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Wholesale overstock aeg

 Category  Wholesale overstock wholesale overstock stock aeg  | Total results: (5)

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					Partijhandel - Retourgoederen - A G Discount Kaufhaus GmbH
Partijhandel - Retourgoederen - A g discount kaufhaus gmbh
From: AG Discount kaufhaus GmbH
Wir firma a.g discount kaufhaus gmbh mit dem sitz in greifwald-deutschland handeln mit retourwaren von elektronik und elektrowaren,tv-hifi- werkzeuge,haushalts bedarf, baubedarf,reinigungsmi...
33  pieces Price:   €  165,00  (€ 5,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive 21% VAT )
Germany 23-August
					Partijhandel - Retourgoederen - Stofzuigers   Vacuumcleaners
Partijhandel - Retourgoederen - Stofzuigers vacuumcleaners
From: Tronex Nederland BV
Now on stock some pallets with vacuumcleaner. nice brands like aeg, siemens, dirt devil.... with bag or bagless. prices from euro 11,00 till ..... call or e-mail when you have interest in th...
1  piece Price:   €  11,00  (€ 11,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive 21% VAT )
Nederland 21-September
					Groothandel - Veiling - Ongecontroleerde retuorgoederen
Groothandel - Veiling - Ongecontroleerde retuorgoederen
From: ramanco
This pallet with uncontrolled return items. the products of different brands (aeg - clatronic - bomann - proofikook ) most of the items are still in the original packaging deze pallet met on...
20  pieces  Businessprotection  Price on request! Germany 07-December
					Groothandel - Partijen C-grade wasmachines te koop  Bosch, AEG, Miele etc
From: witgoedpartijen
Partijen c-grade wasmachines te koop (bosch, aeg, miele etc) allemaal volledig gerepareerd, schoongemaakt en getest. ...
10  pieces Price:   €  1.150,00  (€ 115,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive % VAT )

More in stock!
Nederland 16-March
					Partijhandel - Partij - Brand new Whitegoods - Elektrolux - AEG - SMEG
From: WAE RW
New brand whitegoods. please contact me if you are interest. please sent me your e-mail addres for sending the list with specs. ...
56  pieces  Businessprotection  Price on request! Nederland 24-October
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