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Wholesale overstock bf

 Category  Wholesale overstock wholesale overstock stock bf  | Total results: (6)

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					Partijhandel - Partij - Tuintafels aluminium en glas
Partijhandel - Partij - Tuintafels aluminium en glas
From: gera heating
Mooie tuintafels gehardt melkglas tuintafels,, verpakt, 100 stuks...
100  pieces Price:   €  1.500,00  (€ 15,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive % VAT )
Belgie 27-August
					Groothandel - PHILIPS LCD-TV 20HFL3330D  +/- 200 PIECES
From: Lektro BV
Groothandel in consumentenelektronica met jarenlange ervaring in internationale partijhandel. te koop aangeboden partij philips hospitality lcd-tv's.hotel modus uit te schakelen voor nor...
50  pieces Price:   €  1.750,00  (€ 35,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive % VAT )

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Nederland 28-September
					Groothandel - Folding bed size 80X200 cm, with wheels, mattress included
From: Bflyshop
quantity: 500 price: 45,99 euro folding bed 80x200 cm, metal structure, with wheels, included with mattress h. 11 cm, 80 x 200 cm the folding bed by bflyshop is extremely comfortable, ve...
50  pieces Price:   €  2.299,50  (€ 45,99 p/piece )  
( exclusive % VAT )

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Germany 08-October
					 Looking for tv, console, Dyson products and other
Good evening, we are looking for stocks of tv, console, dyson products (eventually other electronic appliances as well). the stock should be of good or famous brands, all of the same model, ...
100  pieces Target price:
  €  3.000,00  (€ 30,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive % VAT )
Germany 08-October
					Groothandel - Quantum Boor  Freesmachine BF 16 Vario
From: Techbi Tools
Bf16 vario. freesmachine met tandwiel aandrijving. opname mk2 m10. voor de veeleisende gebruiker in de modelbouw en de hobbyïst. veelzijdig toepassingsgebied. variabel toerentalregeling van...
1  piece Price:   €  950,00  (€ 950,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive 21% VAT )

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Nederland 29-October
					Groothandel - optimum Boor  Freesmachine BF 30 vario
From: Techbi Tools
Bf30 vario. precisie tandwielaangedreven boor- en freesmachine met elektronische, traploos regelbare snelheid voor de veeleisende gebruiker. digitale snelheid en boordiepte aanduiding. massi...
1  piece Price:   €  3.590,00  (€ 3.590,00 p/piece )  
( exclusive 21% VAT )

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Nederland 29-October
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