We are wholesaler and distributor of honey
Our honey does differ from other type of honeys in terms of chemical content, physical feature and health benefits.
⢠honey has high PH level, prevents the bacteria growth that causes infections. ⢠In addition to being rich in vitamin A, honey is a valuable source of iron and calcium. ⢠honey has high antioxidant level. ⢠It is also rich in terms of proteins and amino acids. ⢠Due to those features it is preferable for apitherapy (treatment with bee products). Pine Honey has a darker color and hardly crystallizes. Pine Honey differs from other types of honeys in that it contains more natural enzymes, amino acids and minerals. For this reason, it is also preferred in child nutrition. Pine honey has better average values from blossom honey and acacia honey types in terms of minerals and anti-oxidant capacity.
Potassium More than 12 times of Acacian Honey Potassium Content 6 times of Blossom Honey Potassium Content
Zinc %64 more than Blossom Honey Zinc Content
Magnesium Nearly 5 times of Acacian Honey Magnesium Content 3 times of Blossom Honey Magnesium Content
Copper Nearly 7 times of Acacian Honey, 5 times of Blossom Honey
Iron Nearly 2.5 times of Acacian Honey Iron Content %61 more than Blossom Honey
Iron Content
Phenolic Content&Total Antioxidant Capacity Twice of Acacian Honey Phenolic Content Nearly 3 times of Accacian honey Antioxidant Capacity
Pine Honey is unique and exclusive, due its mild sweetness, pleasent flavour and local delicacy, always leaving an exotic taste on our palate.