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Stocklots groothandel stocklots stock Looking for tv, console, dyson products and other

    Referentie nr: 
    Bekeken:  2823
Up to date:
status 25%
Bijgewerkt:  langer dan 3 maanden geleden.
Minimum aantal:  100  stuks
Richtprijs: €  3.000,00  (€ 30,00 p/stuk) 
( exclusief % BTW )
Vrachtkosten: exclusief


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Stocklots groothandel stocklots stock Looking for tv, console, dyson products and other
Overige opmerkingen:

Good evening,

We are looking for stocks of tv, console, Dyson products (eventually other electronic appliances as well). The stock should be of good or famous brands, all of the same model, both old or new models. The quantity should be minimum 100 items up to 10.000 or even more.

Please let us know your best quotation offers for such products, we would be glad to start a long-term collaboration with your company

We can pay immediately either through bank transfer, credit card or cash.

Best regards,

Valeria Cuccu

CEO Bflyshop


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